...unfortunately I've discovered cinnamon swirl and coffee cake. I am being very restrained only eating it once a day. I've also become a big bagel eater - big being the operative word ;) thank the lord for urban outfitters and their current trend for making shirts that flare from the chest down. They are now my favourite clothes store!
Well after spending two days at death's door I finally managed to explore the city a little yesterday. I overcame my crippling fear of heights and went to the top of Sears Tower - breathtaking views. Then I ventured north to catch Angus and Julia Stone performing at Martyrs - great venue and really fun performance. It was very very very cold waiting for the late night train back to the loop. I'm really looking forward to the warmer climes of New Orleans now :)
Liking the photos and updates...sorry to hear you were at deaths door...dodgy American street food?! My Easter was cool, bit of family, bit of work (Monday)...got very drunk on Friday! xx